The Pilgrim's Regress is a book of allegorical fiction by C. S. Lewis. This 1933 novel was Lewis's first published work of prose fiction, and his third piece of work to be published. It charts the progress of a fictional character named John through a philosophical landscape in search of the Island of his desire. …

The Problem of Pain is a 1940 book by C. S. Lewis in which he seeks to provide an intellectual Christian response to questions about suffering. The book addresses an important aspect of theodicy, an attempt by one Christian layman to reconcile orthodox Christian belief in a just, loving and omnipotent God with pain …

The Screwtape Letters, a satirical novel that focuses on the religious struggle of one unnamed man, is one of the most influential works of C.S. Lewis. The story unfolds through the eyes of Screwtape, a highly placed under-secretary to Lucifer, affectionately known as 'Our Father Below'. Through a series of letters …

The Screwtape Letters is a Christian apologetic novel by C. S. Lewis. It is written in a satirical, epistolary style and while it is fictional in format, the plot and characters are used to address Christian theological issues, primarily those to do with temptation and resistance to it. First published in February …