The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution, by Afro-Trinidadian writer C. L. R. James, is a history of the 1791–1804 Haitian Revolution. He went to Paris to research this work, where he met Haitian military historian Alfred Auguste Nemours. James's text places the revolution in the …

Beyond a Boundary is a memoir on cricket written by the Trinidadian Marxist intellectual C. L. R. James, which James described as "neither cricket reminiscences nor autobiography". It mixes social commentary, particularly on the place of cricket in the West Indies and England, with commentary on the game, arguing that …

Minty Alley is a groundbreaking novel written by Trinidadian writer C. L. R. James in the late 1920s, and published by Secker & Warburg in 1936, as West Indian literature was starting to flourish. It was the first novel by a black West Indian to be published in England. According to Christian Høgsbjerg, James …