Marine biologist Chaz Perrone can't tell a sea horse from a sawhorse. And when he throws his beautiful wife, Joey, off a cruise liner, he really should know better. An expert swimmer, Joey makes her way to a floating bale of Jamaican pot-and then to an island inhabited by an ex-cop named Mick Stranahan, whose ex-wives …

À 18 ans, Twilly Spree a hérité cinq millions de dollars de son grand-père. Il est en liberté surveillée après avoir fait sauter la banque de son oncle qui avait accordé un prêt "à de gros pourris". Difficilement contrôlable, Twilly n'hésite pas à intervenir auprès de tous ceux qui adoptent un comportement …

Pour avoir dit ses quatre vérités au nouveau propriétaire de l'Union-Register, un quotidien de Floride, le brillant journaliste Jack Tagger se retrouve confiné depuis quelques mois à la rubrique nécrologie. Jack a critiqué vertement la nouvelle ligne éditoriale qui consiste à transformer un journal réputé pour son …

Take a romp in the swamp with this New York Times bestselling mystery adventure set in the Florida Keys from Newbery Honoree Carl Hiaasen! Noah's dad is sure that the owner of the Coral Queen casino boat is flushing raw sewage into the harbor—which has made taking a dip at the local beach like swimming in a toilet. He …

At the Eager Beaver, a topless bar in Fort Lauderdale, former FBI clerk Erin Grant dances nightly to pay for legal fees in her custody fight for her young daughter. There David Dilbeck, a U.S. Congressman owned by the state's sugar interests is recognized by a regular who is infatuated with Erin and initiates a …

Lucky You is a 1997 novel by Carl Hiaasen. It is set in Florida, and is based around JoLayne Lucks, a black woman who is one of two winners of a lottery. The book parodies paranoid militia movement groups that believe in somewhat bizarre conspiracy theories. It also takes a satiric look at vendors in the fictional …

Tourist Season is a 1986 novel by Carl Hiaasen. It was his first solo novel, after co-writing several mystery/thriller novels with William Montalbano.

R.J. Decker, star tenant of the local trailer park and neophyte private eye is fishing for a killer. Thanks to a sportsman's scam that's anything but sportsmanlike, there's a body floating in Coon Bog, Florida -- and a lot that's rotten in the murky waters of big-stakes, large-mouth bass tournaments. Here Decker will …