No one ever really paid close attention to the faces of the missing children on the milk cartons. But as Janie Johnson glanced at the face of the ordinary little girl with her hair in tight pigtails, wearing a dress with a narrow white collar--a three-year-old who had been kidnapped twelve years before from a shopping …
Whatever Happened to Janie? is a novel by Caroline B. Cooney in the Janie Johnson series and the sequel to The Face on the Milk Carton. With the mystery of her kidnapping now unraveled, Janie's story continues, and the nightmare is not over. No one can bring back or relive the twelve years gone by. The Spring family …
Code Orange is a 2005 young adult novel by Caroline B. Cooney. The novel won a National Science Teachers Association recommendation and has been frequently used in classrooms. The Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy also marked the book as one of their Young Adults' Choices for 2007.
Both Sides of Time is a fiction book and the first of the Time Travelers Quartet series by Caroline B. Cooney. It was first published on July 1, 1995. The hardcover book has 224 pages and was published on October 9, 2001 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers. In Both Sides of Time, Caroline B. Cooney gives a realistic …
Janie's two families appear to have made peace. Life seems almost normal. Janie has even decided to speak to her former boyfriend, Reeve, again. But then Janie's Connecticut father suffers a sudden stroke, and this tragedy leaves her mother reeling. Janie must step in to manage family finances and to support her …