Umori v Jazbečevem Dolu je detektivski roman izpod peresa Caroline Graham. Prvič je izšel v Veliki Britaniji leta 1986, v slovenščino ga je prevedel Jože Stabej. V slovenščini je knjiga izšla leta 2006, gre za trenutno edino delo Caroline Graham, prevedeno v slovenščino. Gre za prvi roman, v katerem nastopa glavni …
Death of a Hollow Man is a work of detective fiction by Caroline Graham, the second in her Chief Inspector Barnaby series, which has been adapted into the successful ITV drama Midsomer Murders.
A Place of Safety is a crime novel by Caroline Graham, the sixth in her popular Chief Inspector Barnaby series, which has been adapted into the successful ITV drama Midsomer Murders.
Faithful unto Death is a work of detective fiction by Caroline Graham, the fifth in her popular Chief Inspector Barnaby series, which has been adapted into the equally successful ITV drama Midsomer Murders.