P.S. Rakastan sinua on irlantilaisen Cecelia Ahernin esikoisteos, joka julkaistiin vuonna 2004. Kirja oli numero 1 bestseller Irlannissa, Isossa-Britanniassa, Yhdysvalloissa, Saksassa ja Alankomaissa, ja se on käännetty 50 kielelle. Suomeksi teos ilmestyi vuonna 2005 Pirjo Lintuniemen suomentamana ja Gummeruksen …

The basis for the motion picture starring Lily Collins and Sam Claflin! What happens when two people who are meant to be together can't seem to get it right?Rosie and Alex are destined for each other, and everyone seems to know it but them. Best friends since childhood, they are separated as teenagers when Alex and …

Ihmemaa on kirjailija Cecelia Ahernin vuonna 2006 ilmestynyt romaani. Se on alkuperäiseltä julkaisemisjärjestykseltään Ahernin neljäs romaani.

If You Could See Me Now is Irish writer Cecelia Ahern's third novel, published in November 2005 / January 2006. It has been published in the United States as "A Silver Lining'". A film adaptation of the book is in progress.

Thanks for the Memories is a 2008 novel by Cecelia Ahern. A blood transfusion saves Joyce Conway’s life. After she wakes up, she finds that she has memories and knowledge that she did not possess before her accident. As she deals with her impending divorce and a miscarriage, Joyce encounters a handsome American, …

Mrs Whippy is a novella By Cecelia Ahern. It is the story of Emelda, a middle-aged housewife and mother. Her husband Charlie Holt has left her for a younger woman and she is struggling to bring up her children. The book was written for charity and details Emelda's struggle to regain her self-esteem and get on with her …