Ondskapens blomster er en diktsamling av den franske poeten Charles Baudelaire. Boken er blitt kalt 1800-tallets mest epokegjørende diktsamling. Den kom ut i tre utgaver: den første i 1857, den andre i 1861 og den tredje ett år etter Baudelaires død i 1868. Etter utgivelsen i 1857 ble Baudelaire saksøkt og dømt til …

Between 1855 and his death in 1867, Charles Baudelaire inaugurated a new—and in his own words “dangerous”—hybrid form in a series of prose poems known as Paris Spleen. Important and provocative, these fifty poems take the reader on a tour of 1850s Paris, through gleaming cafes and filthy side streets, revealing a …

Les Paradis Artificiels is a book by French poet Charles Baudelaire, first published in 1860, about the state of being under the influence of opium and hashish. Baudelaire describes the effects of the drugs and discusses the way in which they could theoretically aid mankind in reaching an "ideal" world. The text was …