South of No North is a collection of short stories by Charles Bukowski, the so-called "Poet Laureate of Skid Row", originally published in 1973 as South of No North: Stories of the Buried Life by John Martin's Black Sparrow Press. South of No North also is a play that debuted off-Broadway in 2000 based on nine stories …

The Most Beautiful Woman in Town & Other Stories is a collection of anecdotal short stories by American author Charles Bukowski. The stories are written in both the first and third-person, in Bukowski's trademark semi-autobiographical short prose style. In keeping with his other works, themes include: Los Angeles …

Hot Water Music is a collection of short stories by Charles Bukowski, published in 1983 by Black Sparrow Press. The collection deals largely with: drinking, women, gambling, and writing. It is an important collection that establishes Bukowski's minimalist style and his thematic oeuvre.

First published in 1977, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a collection of Bukowski's poetry from the mid-seventies. A classic in the Bukowski canon, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a raw, lyrical, exploration of the exigencies, heartbreaks, and limits of love.

Pulp is the last completed novel by Los Angeles poet and writer Charles Bukowski. It was published in 1994, shortly before Bukowski's death. He began writing it in 1991 and encountered several problems during its creation. He fell ill during the spring of 1993, only three-quarters of the way through Pulp.

With Bukowski, the votes are still coming in. There seems to be no middle ground—people seem either to love him or hate him. Tales of his own life and doings are as wild and weird as the very stories he writes. In a sense, Bukowski was a legend in his time . . . a madman, a recluse, a lover . . . tender, vicious . . . …

Hollywood on Charles Bukowskin vuonna 1989 julkaistu viides romaani. Teos perustuu Bukowskin kokemuksiin Baarikärpänen-elokuvan käsikirjoittajana, mutta päähenkilönä kirjassa on Bukowskin aiemmista romaaneista tuttu omaelämäkerrallinen alter ego Henry Chinaski. Teos on omistettu Baarikärpäsen ohjanneelle Barbet …

Naisia on Charles Bukowskin vuonna 1978 julkaistu kolmas romaani. Kirjassa seikkailee Bukowskin alter ego Henry Chinaski, mutta toisin kuin Bukowskin muissa omaelämäkerrallisissa teoksissa, Naisissa keskitytään 50-vuotiaaksi ehtineen päähenkilön myöhempiin elämänvaiheisiin tunnettuna kirjailijana ja runoilijana. …

Pystyssä kaiken aikaa on Charles Bukowskin vuonna 1975 julkaistu toinen romaani. Teos keskittyy Bukowskin omaelämäkerrallisen alter egon Henry Chinaskin nuoruusvuosiin 1940-luvun Yhdysvalloissa. Kirjailijan ammatista haaveileva Chinaski ajautuu työpaikasta toiseen, tekee kaikkea mitä eteen sattuu, mihin myös …