The Autobiography of Charles Darwin is the autobiography of the British naturalist Charles Darwin which was published in 1887, five years after his death. Darwin wrote the book, which he entitled Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character, for his family. He states that he started writing it on about …
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin is the autobiography of the British naturalist Charles Darwin which was published in 1887, five years after his death. Darwin wrote the book, which he entitled Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character, for his family. He states that he started writing it on about …
Menneskets Afstamning og Parringsvalget er Charles Darwins andet store værk om evolutionsteori, efter Arternes Oprindelse og blev udgivet i 1871. Den danske udgave udkom 1875 og var oversat af J.P. Jacobsen. Bogen uddyber naturlig selektion i forhold til menneskets udvikling og introducerer for første gang seksuel …