image of Charles Fishman

Charles Fishman

... Unknown

The Wal-Mart Effect: How an Out-of-Town Superstore Became a Superpower est un essai du journaliste Charles Fishman paru en 2006. Il décrit des effets économiques locaux et globaux qu'entraîne la chaîne de magasins Walmart. The Wal-Mart Effect fait partie des nombreux livres qui documentent et analysent les effets …

... Unknown

Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2012 02 Pages: 416 in Publisher: Free Press The water coming out of your kitchen tap is four billion years old and might well have been sipped by a Tyrannosaurus rex. Rather than only three states of water-liquid. ice. and vapor-there is a fourth. molecular water. fused into rock …

... Unknown