The Book of the Damned er en sakprosabok av den amerikanske forfatteren Charles Fort. Den kom ut i 1919. Den handler om uforklarlige fenomener som UFOer, værfenomener, ting som faller fra himmelen, forsvunne personer og mye annet. Den blir sett på som verdens første bok om anomalier. Boka ble gjenutgitt i 1999 på …

Lo! was the third published nonfiction work of the author Charles Fort. In it he details a wide range of unusual phenomena. In the final chapter of the book he proposes a new cosmology that the earth is stationary in space and surrounded by a solid shell which is ".. not unthinkably far away."

New Lands was the second nonfiction book of the author Charles Fort, written in 1925. It deals primarily with astronomical anomalies. Fort expands in this book on his theory about the Super-Sargasso Sea - a place where earthly things supposedly materialize in order to rain down on Earth - as well as developing an idea …