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Displaying 1-20 of 29 results.
Code : the hidden language of computer hardware and software
Charles Petzold
The Annotated Turing
Charles Petzold
Programming Windows, Fifth Edition (Microsoft Programming Series)
Charles Petzold
Programming Microsoft Windows with C# (Microsoft)
Charles Petzold
Programmare Windows
Charles Petzold
Applications = Code Markup: A Guide to the Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (Pro - Developer)
Charles Petzold
Programming in the Key of C#: A Primer for Aspiring Programmers (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Charles Petzold
Programming Windows 3.1
Charles Petzold
Windows NT System Administration
Charles Petzold
Programming Microsoft® Windows® Forms (Pro Developer)
Charles Petzold
Programming Windows: The Microsoft guide to programming for the MS-DOS : presentation manager: Windows 2.0 and Windows
Charles Petzold
3D Programming for Windows: Three-Dimensional Graphics Programming for the Windows Presentation Foundation (Pro - Developer)
Charles Petzold
The Boys of Dickens Retold
צ'ארלס דיקנס
A Christmas Carol: Dicken's Classic Tale Retold for Young Children
צ'ארלס דיקנס
An Aussie Christmas carol : Charles Dickens' immortal tale retold as an Aussie bush yarn
Kel Richards
The Girls of Dickens Retold
צ'ארלס דיקנס
Wigwam evenings: Sioux folk tales retold (Cadmus books)
Charles Alexander Eastman
The golden book of Bible stories; favorite stories from the Old and New Testaments retold for children
Charles Monroe Sheldon
Beowulf. Retold by Rosemary Sutcliff. With drawings by Charles Keeping
Rosemary Sutcliff
The Story of Little Red Riding Hood, retold from Perrault
שארל פרו
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