Not far from the city there is an ancient wood, forgotten by the modern world, where Mystery walks in the moonlight. He wears the shape of a stag, or a goat, or a horned man wearing a cloak of leaves. He is summoned by the music of the pipes or a fire of bones on Midsummer's Evening. He is chased by the hunt and …

Yarrow: An Autumn Tale is an urban fantasy novel by Charles de Lint, set in 1980s Ottawa. A fantasy writer has a secret source of inspiration: when she dreams, she visits a world where magic is real. Unknown to her, a supernatural predator who feeds on dreams is feeding on her and destroying that world.

Widdershins is a 2006 urban fantasy novel by Charles De Lint in the Newford universe. It continues the events of the 2001 novel The Onion Girl, where Jilly was left partially paralyzed and her relationship with Geordie unfulfilled. It also deals with a potential war between fairies and "cousins." Fairies, according to …