《퍼디도 스트리트 정거장》은 차이나 미에빌의 두 번째 작품이다. 2002년도 네뷸러상과 휴고상 장편 부문 후보로 지명되었으며, 2001년 아서 C. 클라크상과 영국환상문학상, 2002년 프레미오 이그나투스상 및 쿠르트 라스비츠상의 외국어 장편 부문을 수상했다. 또한 아마존닷컴 편집자들이 추천한 2001년 최고의 판타지 소설로 …

《상처》는 자칭 'weird fiction' 작가인 영국 런던 출신 차이나 미에빌의 세 번째 장편소설이다. 2002년 필립 K. 딕 기념상, 2003년 아서 C. 클라크 상 및 2003년 휴고상 장편부문 후보에 지명되었으며, 2003년 영국환상문학상 및 로커스상을 수상했다. 《퍼디도 스트리트 정거장》과 같은 세계를 배경으로 삼고 있고, 전작의 사건으로부터 시간상 바로 이어지기는 하지만, 다른 등장인물과 장소를 다루고 있어서 독립된 작품으로 읽을 수 …

The City & the City is a novel by British author China Miéville, combining weird fiction with the police procedural; it was written as a gift for Miéville's terminally ill mother, who was a fan of the latter genre. The novel was published by Macmillan on 15 May 2009. In the US it was published by Del Rey Books on …

Un Lun Dun is a young adult fantasy novel by China Miéville, released in 2007. The title is derived from 'UnLondon,' the name of the alternate realm where the book is set. It also contains illustrations by Miéville. It was first released as a hardback in the United Kingdom in January 2007 by Macmillan Publishers, then …

Iron Council is China Miéville's fourth novel and his third set in the Bas-Lag universe, following Perdido Street Station and The Scar, although each can be read independently of the others. In addition to the steampunk influences shared by its predecessors, Iron Council also draws several elements from the western …

King Rat is the debut novel by China Miéville. Unlike his Bas-Lag novels, it is not a New Weird story but an urban fantasy, set in London during the late 1990s. It follows the life of Saul Garamond after the death of his father and his meeting with King Rat. As King Rat takes Saul under his wing, the young man is …

Kraken is a fantasy novel by British author China Miéville. It is published in the UK by Macmillan, and in the US by Del Rey Books. The book bears the subtitle "An Anatomy" on the title page. It was the winner for the 2011 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel. Miéville has described the book as "a dark comedy about a …

Looking for Jake is a collection of science fiction, horror and fantasy stories by British author China Miéville. It was first published by Del Rey Books and Macmillan in 2005.

Embassytown is a science fiction novel by British author China Miéville. It was published in the UK by Pan Macmillan on 6 May 2011, and in the US by Del Rey Books on 17 May 2011. A limited edition was released by Subterranean Press. The plot of the novel surrounds the town of Embassytown, the native alien residents …