Warcraft: Lord of the Clans is a novel by Star Trek novelist Christie Golden based in Blizzard Entertainments Warcraft Universe. It was published by Pocket Books. The story of the novel was originally going to be used in the adventure game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans until it was cancelled. It is the second …

Vampire of the Mists is the first novel in the Ravenloft books gothic horror series. Written by Christie Golden, it is set both in Waterdeep, a city in the Forgotten Realms world of Dungeons & Dragons, and more prominently, the Demiplane of Dread, location of the Ravenloft campaign setting.

World of Warcraft: Arthas Rise of the Lich King on Christie Golden kirjoittama englanninkielinen 312-sivuinen fantasia-novelli, joka pohjautuu kokonaisuudessaan Warcraft-pelisarjan, mutta yksityiskohtaisemmin World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King -lisäosaan ja sen päähenkilöön Arthas Menethiliin. Kirja sai …

The Farther Shore is the second book of two of the "Homecoming" series. It takes place directly after the show's final episode, "Endgame".