image of Christine Nöstlinger

Christine Nöstlinger

... Unknown

'The story I'm going to tell is true. It happened to me. It is a tale of Gunpowdertown’ Life for Cristal has been upside down for a long time. She can’t even remember a time before the war began. Before potatoes for every meal and bombs raining down from the sky. Before being forced to shelter in the dark, damp …

... Unknown

Konrad, a perfectly factory-made seven-year-old, is delivered by mistake to scatter-brained, non-conformist Mrs. Bartolotti, and the two devise a crazy plan to prevent his being reclaimed.

... Unknown
... Unknown

It was Tom who was supposed to go and stay with the family in Vienna, but Jasper went instead. And, as 13-year-old Ewald and his little sister Billie were soon to find out, Jasper was quite a handful.