Dragon is an adventure novel by Clive Cussler. This is the 10th book featuring the author’s primary protagonist, Dirk Pitt. In 1945, a B-29 bomber carrying a third nuclear bomb to Japan is shot over the sea off the coast of Japan. In 1993, terrorists want to restore Japan's former glory by taking out the United States …

Black Wind is an adventure novel by Clive Cussler and Dirk Cussler. This book centers on a relatively new character to the book series, Dirk Pitt, Jr.

Syvyyksien saalistajat on yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailija Clive Cusslerin kirjoittama seikkailuromaani. Kirja on Cusslerin kuudes Dirk Pitt -kirja, ja se julkaistiin vuonna 1982.

The Chase is a detective novel by author Clive Cussler written in November 2007. It introduces us to the main character, Isaac Bell. Bell is a tall, lean detective who works for the Van Dorn Detective Agency.

Treasure is an action-adventure novel by Clive Cussler. This is the ninth book featuring the author’s primary protagonist, Dirk Pitt.

Deep Six is an English-language adventure novel by Clive Cussler published in the United States by Simon & Schuster in 1984. This is the seventh book featuring the author's primary protagonist, Dirk Pitt.

Cyclops is an action-adventure novel by Clive Cussler. This is the 8th book featuring the author’s primary protagonist, Dirk Pitt. A wealthy American financier disappears on a treasure hunt in an antique blimp. From Cuban waters, the blimp drifts toward Florida with a crew of dead men—Soviet cosmonauts. Dirk Pitt …

Vixen 03 is an adventure novel by Clive Cussler. This is the fourth book to feature the author’s primary protagonist Dirk Pitt.