The Outsider is a non-fiction book by Colin Wilson first published in 1956. Through the works and lives of various artists – including H. G. Wells, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, T. S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, Harley Granville-Barker, Hermann Hesse, T. E. Lawrence, Vincent van Gogh, Vaslav Nijinsky, …

The Occult: A History is a 1971 nonfiction occult book by English writer, Colin Wilson. Topics covered include Aleister Crowley, George Gurdjieff, Helena Blavatsky, Kabbalah, primitive magic, Franz Mesmer, Grigori Rasputin, Daniel Dunglas Home, Paracelsus, P. D. Ouspensky, William Blake, Giacomo Casanova, Heinrich …

Wilson has blended H.P. Lovecraft's dark vision with his own revolutionary philosophy and unique narrative powers to produce a stunning, high-tension story of vaulting imagination. A professor makes a horrifying discovery while excavating a sinister archaeological site. For over 200 years, mind parasites have been …

I vampiri dello spazio è un romanzo di fantascienza di Colin Wilson del 1976. Malgrado le premesse fantascientifiche, come le astronavi e gli alieni, il romanzo si presenta principalmente come uno studio sul vampirismo, sulla sua storia e sulle possibili implicazioni future. Da esso è stato tratto un film, Space …