Londres, fin du XXe siècle : plus personne n'ose résister au "Système". L'œil et l'oreille espionnent, le nez enquête, la bouche désinforme et la main fait régner l'ordre et la terreur. L'Angleterre a pris les couleurs du fascisme. La culture a été effacée. Pourtant quelqu'un ou quelque chose rôde dans les ruelles …

Preludes and Nocturnes includes material originally published as The Sandman Issues #1-8,First Printing; The Doll's House includes material originally published as Sandman Issues #8-16,Second printing; Dream Country includes material originally published as Sandman Issues #17-20. In very good condition with some light …

Take an apartment house, mix in a drag queen, a lesbian couple, some talking animals, a talking severed head, a confused heroine, and the deadly Cuckoo. Stir vigorously with a hurricane and Morpheus himself and you get this fifth installment of the Sandman series. This story stars Barbie, who first makes an appearance …

Quand il avait six ans, Bruce Wayne a vu ses parents se faire assassiner sous ses yeux. Après un entrainement intensif, il revient à Gotham City pour mener une guerre sans merci contre le crime... mais ce ne sera pas facile. Face à la corruption des autorités de la ville et leurs liens avec la pègre, Bruce, sous le …

President Bill Clinton s My Life is the strikingly candid portrait of a global leader who decided early in life to devote his intellectual and political gifts, and his extraordinary capacity for hard work, to serving the public. It shows us the progress of a remarkable American, who, through his own enormous energies …

Written by Neil Gaiman; Art by Chris Bachalo, Mark Buckingham, and Dave McKean From the pages of Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN comes the young, pale, perky, and genuinely likable Death. One day in every century, Death walks the Earth to better understand those to whom she will be the final visitor. Today is that day. As a …

Over 1,200 full-color photographs taken specially for each guide. Recommended star sights and star features help you make the most of the city. The Survival Guide shows you, in pictures, how to use local currency, public transportation, and telephones. Easy-to-use 3-D aerial views give you instant access to districts, …