《호밀밭의 파수꾼》은 제롬 데이비드 샐린저의 소설이다. 이 소설은 1951년에 출판되어 오늘날까지 문제작으로 남아있으며, 이 소설의 주인공인 홀든 콜필드는 십대의 불안을 상징하는 인물로 남아있다. 이 책은 열일곱 살인 홀든 콜필드가 지난해 겪었던 경험을 1인칭 시점에서 이야기하는 구조로 이루어져 있다. 홀든은 국어를 제외한 모든 과목에서 낙제한 뒤 명문 사립기숙학교인 펜시 고등학교에서 퇴학당한다. 홀든은 그의 부모님께 퇴학통보가 담긴 편지가 부모님에게 전달될 때까지 걸리는 며칠간을 자신의 집이 있는 뉴욕 시에서 보낼 계획을 세우고 뉴욕 시로 떠나며, 이 때의 경험이 …

The author writes: FRANNY came out in The New Yorker in 1955, and was swiftly followed, in 1957 by ZOOEY. Both stories are early, critical entries in a narrative series I'm doing about a family of settlers in twentieth-century New York, the Glasses. It is a long-term project, patently an ambiguous one, and there is a …

A collection of nine exceptional stories from the much-loved author of The Catcher in the RyeAn American soldier has a strange encounter with an orphaned English teenager the night before he leaves for war. A four-year-old boy runs away in a dinghy; a missionary's child is kidnapped by Chinese bandits. A honeymoon in …

'He was a great many things to a great many people while he lived, and virtually all things to his brothers and sisters in our somewhat outsized family. Surely he was all real things to us: our blue-striped unicorn, our double-lensed burning glass, our consultant genius, our portable conscience, our supercargo, and …

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction is a single volume featuring two novellas by J. D. Salinger, which were previously published in The New Yorker: Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction. Little, Brown republished them in this anthology in 1963. It was the first …