Onåd är en postkolonial roman från 2000 av J.M. Coetzee. Den utspelar sig i Sydafrika efter apartheid, och handlar om en vit medelålders universitetslärare som har en affär med en student. När affären avslöjas vägrar han visa ånger och flyttar ut till sin dotters lantgård i Östra Kapprovinsen, ett område där …

I väntan på barbarerna, engelsk originaltitel Waiting for the Barbarians, är en roman av den sydafrikanska författaren J. M. Coetzee, som fick nobelpriset i litteratur 2003. Romanen publicerades på engelska 1980, och på svenska 1982. Den vann James Tait Black Memorial Prize och Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize för …

From author of Waiting for the Barbarians and Nobel Prize winner J.M. Coetzee. J.M. Coetzee's latest novel, The Schooldays of Jesus, is now available from Viking. Late Essays: 2006-2016 will be available January 2018. In a South Africa turned by war, Michael K. sets out to take his ailing mother back to her rural …

Since 1982, J. M. Coetzee has been dazzling the literary world. After eight novels that have won, among other awards, two Booker Prizes, and most recently, the Nobel Prize, Coetzee has once again crafted an unusual and deeply affecting tale. Told through an ingenious series of formal addresses, Elizabeth Costello is, …

Slow Man is a 2005 novel by South African-born Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee, and concerns a man who must learn to adapt after losing a leg in a road accident. The novel has many varied themes, including the nature of care, the relationship between an author and his characters, and man's drive to leave a legacy. It was …

Youth is a semi-fictionalised autobiographical novel by J. M. Coetzee, recounting his struggles in 1960s London after fleeing the political unrest of Cape Town.

Foe is a 1986 novel by South African-born Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee. Woven around the existing plot of Robinson Crusoe, Foe is written from the perspective of Susan Barton, a castaway who landed on the same island inhabited by "Cruso" and Friday as their adventures were already underway. Like Robinson Crusoe, it is …

Diary of a Bad Year is a book by South African-born Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee. It was released by Text Publishing in Australia on 3 September 2007, in the United Kingdom by Harvill Secker on 6 September, and in the United States on 27 December.

Pojkår är en delvis självbiografisk roman av den sydafrikanska författaren J. M. Coetzee från 1997. Den översattes till svenska 2001 och gavs ut på Brombergs i översättning av Thomas Preis. Romanen behandlar Coetzees uppväxt i Worcester en bit utanför Kapstaden, hans fogliga sätt i skolan kontra hans tyranni hemma, …