《查泰莱夫人的情人》是英国作家D·H·劳伦斯于1928年发表的小说,也是他最后一部长篇小说。 这部小说于1928年在佛罗伦斯独立印刷,直到1960年才在英国印刷发行。劳伦斯曾考虑将这本书改名为“Tenderness”,并曾将原本的手稿大幅修改润饰过。这本书曾发行过三种不同的版本。 这个故事中描述查泰莱夫人和她情人间的肉体关系,其中露骨的性爱描写、和在当时属禁忌的猥亵用词引来许多评论家的非议,或许也是因为此书描写的主角是劳动阶级男性与资产阶级女性间的关系。 …

The Rainbow is a 1915 novel by British author D. H. Lawrence. It follows three generations of the Brangwen family living in Nottinghamshire, particularly focusing on the individual's struggle to growth and fulfilment within the confining strictures of English social life.

《查泰莱夫人的情人》是英国作家D·H·劳伦斯于1928年发表的小说,也是他最后一部长篇小说。 这部小说于1928年在佛罗伦斯独立印刷,直到1960年才在英国印刷发行。劳伦斯曾考虑将这本书改名为“Tenderness”,并曾将原本的手稿大幅修改润饰过。这本书曾发行过三种不同的版本。 这个故事中描述查泰莱夫人和她情人间的肉体关系,其中露骨的性爱描写、和在当时属禁忌的猥亵用词引来许多评论家的非议,或许也是因为此书描写的主角是劳动阶级男性与资产阶级女性间的关系。 …

The Virgin and the Gypsy is a short story by English author D. H. Lawrence. It was written in 1926 and published posthumously in 1930. Today it is often entitled The Virgin and the Gipsy which can lead to confusion: first and early editions had the spelling Gypsy.

The Plumed Serpent is a 1926 novel by D. H. Lawrence. Set in Mexico, it was begun when the author was living at what is now the D. H. Lawrence Ranch near Taos in U.S. state of New Mexico in 1924, accompanied by his wife Frieda and artist Dorothy Brett. Lawrence wanted to call the book "Quetzalcoatl", after the Aztec …

The Fox is a novella by D. H. Lawrence which first appeared in The Dial in 1922. Set in Berkshire, England, during World War I, The Fox, like many of D. H. Lawrence’s other major works, deals with the psychological relationships of three protagonists in a triangle of love and hatred. Without the help of any male …