Fatal Terrain is a 1997 techno-thriller novel written by Dale Brown. It is set a few weeks after the ending of Shadows of Steel. The title of the book is taken off one of Sun Tzu's passages in The Art of War: Where if one fights with intensity he will survive but if he does not fight with intensity he will perish, it …

Flight of the Old Dog is a 1987 thriller novel written by Dale Brown. The novel's descriptions of B-52 controls and operations are based on Brown's knowledge of the systems as a USAF navigator. The flight is also recreated as a special mission in the video game Megafortress.

Night of the Hawk is a 1992 Technothriller written by Dale Brown. It is also the sequel to the events of the Flight of the Old Dog in which a crew member - Dr. David Luger - sacrifices himself to save the Old Dog crew.

Day of the Cheetah is a 1989 technothriller novel written by former US Air Force officer Dale Brown. It is part of Brown's Patrick McLanahan series of novels. A number of key characters were killed in Day of the Cheetah, only to reappear in later books, as when DotC was first written, Brown did not intend to write any …