The Discoverers is een geschiedkundig werk uit 1983 van Daniel Boorstin en het eerste deel uit zijn drieluik over de geschiedenis van kennis. De andere twee delen zijn The Creators en The Seekers.

The Creators is a non-fiction work of cultural history by Daniel Boorstin published in 1992 and is the second volume in what has become known as the Knowledge Trilogy. It was preceded by The Discoverers and succeeded by The Seekers.

The Seekers is a non-fiction work of cultural history by Daniel Boorstin published in 1998 and is the third and final volume in the "knowledge" trilogy.

The Americans: The Democratic Experience is a 1973 book by American historian Daniel J. Boorstin. The book is the third in his American history trilogy, in which he argues that the physical environment of the New World shaped American society. In 1974 the book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for History as well as the …