In this continuing spin-off of his award-wining masterpiece Epileptic, David B. focuses once again on his relationship with his ailing brother, but delves deeper into their fantasy life and obsession with history. In the second installment, the two become fascinated by the Papuan Wars, and David discovers odd …

The first installment of the breathtaking series by French cartoonist David B. The stunning two-color artwork evokes an extraordinary range of influences, from the boldness of primitive art to the lyricism of Winsor McCay A boy's world is shattered by his brother's epileptic seizures and his growing awareness of …

Qu'est devenu l'ingénieur Hellequin ? En ce mois de mai 1917, l'état-major allié s'inquiète. Le brillant savant a disparu. Un homme, Jan Van Meer, est chargé de partir à sa recherche. Un drôle de type, ce Hellequin. On lui doit quelques inventions pour le moins inattendues. Comme le canon à rêves, censé plonger les …