Hell's Corner is a crime novel written by David Baldacci. This is the fifth and final installment to feature the Camel Club, a small group of Washington, D.C. civilian misfits led by "Oliver Stone", a former CIA trained assassin. The book was initially published on November 9, 2010 by Grand Central Publishing.
In a secluded house not far from Washington, D.C., the FBI is interviewing one of the most important witnesses it has ever had: a young woman named Faith Lockhart. For Faith has done too much, knows too much, and will tell too much.Feared by some of the most powerful men in the world, Faith has been targeted to die. …
The Christmas Train is a fiction novel written by David Baldacci. The book was initially published on October 17, 2003 by Grand Central Publishing.
The Simple Truth is a crime novel written by David Baldacci. The book was initially published on November 18, 1998 by Grand Central Publishing.
Total Control is a crime novel written by David Baldacci. The book was initially published on January 1, 1997 by Warner Books.
Stone Cold is a crime thriller written by David Baldacci. This is the third book to feature the Camel Club, a small group of Washington, D.C. civilian misfits led by "Oliver Stone", a former CIA trained assassin. The book was initially published on November 6, 2007 by Grand Central Publishing.
Welcome to THE CAMEL CLUB.Existing at the fringes of Washington, D.C., the Club consists of four eccentric members. Led by a mysterious man known as "Oliver Stone," they study conspiracy theories, current events, and the machinations of government to discover the "truth" behind the country's actions.Their efforts bear …
This "impossible to put down" #1 New York Times bestseller introduces Amos Decker, a gifted police detective with a perfect memory who must solve a mystery he wishes he could forget: his family's murder (Washington Post). Amos Decker's life changed forever--twice. The first time was on the gridiron. A big, towering …