The Rivan Codex is a collection of background material to the Belgariad and Malloreon fantasy saga by David and Leigh Eddings. It consists of two bodies of material used in writing the novels, one for each series, with three informal essays by David Eddings. Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress do not have …

Jalkan stumbled back, spitting blood, teeth, and curses and he clawed at his knife-hilt. Keselo's sword, however, came out of its sheath more smoothly and rapidly. The young man put the point of his sword against the bone-thin Trogite's throat. "Drop it, Jalkan," he said quite firmly. "Drop the knife, or I'll kill you …

The Elenium is a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings. The series consists of three volumes: The Diamond Throne The Ruby Knight The Sapphire Rose The series is followed by The Tamuli. The Elenium is Eddings' second fantasy series, and has proven to be quite popular.

Regina's Song, written by David and Leigh Eddings, is a murder mystery novel, with some fantasy themes present as well. The story takes place in Seattle, Washington. The story involves the murder of an identical twin. Regina and Renata are so identical that after their infant footprint records are lost, no one is …