The King Beyond The Gate is a fantasy novel by David Gemmell. It was published in 1985. It was the second book published by Gemmell, after Legend, published a year earlier. The book is set in the same fictional world as Legend, that of the Drenai, but is not a sequel in the usual sense as the events of the two books …

The Swords of Night and Day is a fantasy novel by David Gemmell, as well as a pair of legendary swords within the book. They also appear in Gemmell's book White Wolf. The book is set 1000 years following the death of Olek Skilgannon. The novel is an exploration of the future of the Drenai world, focussing heavily on …

Troy: Fall of Kings is a historical fantasy novel by British fantasy writer David Gemmell, forming the final part of the Troy Series. It was finished by his wife, Stella Gemmell, following his death on July 28, 2006 and released under the joint authorship of David and Stella Gemmell.

Troy: Shield of Thunder is a 2006 novel by British fantasy writer David Gemmell, forming the second part of his Troy Series trilogy. This novel was released posthumously in September 2006, following Gemmell's death in July of the same year. Backcover blurb: The war of Troy is looming, and all the kings of the Great …