Quest for Lost Heroes, published in 1990, is a novel by British fantasy writer David Gemmell. It is the fourth entry in the Drenai series. The story is set several decades after and makes several references to the events in Gemmell's earlier title, The King Beyond the Gate. It also provides a conclusion to the story …
Waylander, published in 1986, is a novel by British fantasy writer David Gemmell. It is the first of three Waylander stories and was followed by Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf and Waylander III: Hero In The Shadows
Winter Warriors, published in 1997, is a novel by British fantasy writer David Gemmell. It is the eighth entry in the Drenai series. It is also the second of three stories that feature in the anthology Drenai Tales Volume Three. The story is set several decades after Gemmell's earlier title, Quest for Lost Heroes and …
Wolf in Shadow is a 1987 post-apocalyptic heroic fantasy novel by British author David Andrew Gemmell. It is similar to Gemmell's first book Legend in that Legend arose from Gemmell's own illness with cancer, and Wolf in Shadow was written while he dealt with his mother's cancer and subsequent death.