image of David M. Shapard

David M. Shapard

... Unknown

From the editor of the popular Annotated Pride and Prejudice comes an annotated edition of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility that makes this tale of two sisters in love an even more enjoyable read. Here is the complete text of the novel with more than 2,000 annotations on facing pages, including:-Explanations of …

... Unknown

Gordost i predrasuda je klasik Džejn Ostin, donosi priču o slobodoumnoj devojci Elizabet Benet koja, kao i njene četiri sestre, mora da se uda za bogatog muža. Suočavajući se sa arogantnim, imućnim gospodinom Darsijem, Elizabet se upušta u pronicljiva razmišljanja o životu, porodici i tradiciji, u jednom od najlepših …