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Displaying 1-20 of 51 results.
Die einsame Masse
David Riesman
Wohlstand wofür?
David Riesman
Selected Essays From Individualism Reconsidered
David Riesman
Abundance for what? And other essays
David Riesman
Individualism Reconsidered
David Riesman
On Higher Education
David Riesman
The lonely crowd : A study of the changing American character [abridged edition]
David Riesman
Faces in the Crowd: Individual Studies in Character and Politics. Studies in National Policy Volume 4
David Riesman
Academic Values and Mass Education: The Early Years of Oakland and Monteith
David Riesman
Thorstein Veblen: a critical interpretation
David Riesman
The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character (Abridged)
David Riesman Nathan Glazer Reuel Denney
The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character
David Riesman
Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science)
David Riesman
The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character (A Yale Paperbound, Y-41)
Riesman David
Commentary on the American Scene
Elliot E. And Riesman Cohen, David
Constraint and variety in American education. With a new pref. by the author
David Riesman
The higher learning in America; a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men. Introduction by David Riesman.
Thorstein Veblen
The academic revolution [by] Christopher Jencks & David Riesman
Christopher Jencks
The vanishing adolescent: By Edgar Z. Friedenberg ; introduction by David Riesman (A Laurel edition)
Edgar Friedenberg
Das Räderwerk der Freiheit
David D. Friedman
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