Processen, är en roman av Franz Kafka, postumt utgiven 1925. Romanen listades på tredje plats på listan över Århundradets 100 böcker enligt Le Monde.

Slottet är en ofullbordad roman av Franz Kafka som gavs ut postumt 1926. Kafka påbörjade boken 1922 men gav upp försöken att färdigställa den redan samma år. Den slutar mitt i en mening. Den första tryckta upplagan gavs ut på Kurt Wolff Verlag av Kafkas vän Max Brod.

"What do I have in common with the Jews? I don't even have anything in common with myself". Nothing could better express the essence of Franz Kafka, a man described by his friends as living behind a "glass wall". Kafka wrote in the tradition of the great Yiddish storytellers, whose stock-in-trade was bizarre fantasy, …

This anthology, first published in 1971, presents many of the radical and visionary movements, groups and cells of protest and propaganda of the late 1960s. It includes such now-well-known groups as the Dutch Provos, the Black Panthers, the Yippies and the Situationists and documents the early years of the women's …