The Forbidden Territory is a novel written by Dennis Wheatley and published by Hutchinson in 1933. This was Wheatley's first published novel and was an instant success. It was translated into a number of languages and Alfred Hitchcock quickly bought the film rights.
The Haunting of Toby Jugg is a 1948 psychological thriller novel on an occult theme by Dennis Wheatley, incorporating Wheatley's usual themes of satanic possession and madness, in what was at that time a fresh situation: a disabled British airman recovering from his experiences in the last stages of World War II, in …
The Satanist is a black magic/horror novel by Dennis Wheatley. Published in 1960, it is characterized by an anti-communist spy theme. The novel was one of the popular novels of the 1960s popularizing the tabloid notion of a black mass. The novel follows on from To the Devil – a Daughter, a successful occult novel from …