image of Derek Landy

Derek Landy

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Dedektif Kurukafa serisi Derek Landy tarafından yazılmış olan bir fantastik-aksiyon romanıdır. Kitap serisi genel olarak bir iskelet olan Dedektif Kurukafa ve yardımcısı Valkyrie Cain üzerinden anlatılır ve ikilinin macerasını konu alır.Amaçları suratsızlar diye adlandırılan kötüleri ve adamlarını durdurmaktır. …

... Unknown

Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing With Fire is the second novel in the Skulduggery Pleasant novels written by Derek Landy. The story continues one year after the events of the first book, which deals with the undead wizard and detective, Skulduggery Pleasant and his thirteen-year-old assistant Valkyrie Cain as they try to …

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Publisher:. HarperCollins UK The eighth instalment in the biggest. funniest. most thrilling comedy-horror-adventure series in the universe - and the follow-up to 2012's number-one bestseller. Kingdom of the Wicked ... War has finally come But its not a war between good and evil. or light and dark -.. its a war between …

... Unknown

The ninth book in the original, jaw-droppingly stupendous Skulduggery Pleasant series. Valkerie. Darquesse. Stephanie. The world ain't big enough for the three of them. The end will come... The War of the Sanctuaries has been won, but it was not without its casualties. Following the loss of Valkyrie Cain, Skulduggery …