Author and healer Diane Stein brings to the layperson psychic healing techniques once assumed to be too esoteric to use without highly specialized knowledge, years of training, and a paranormal gift. ESSENTIAL PSYCHIC HEALING helps us tap into the potent healing power of our own psychic energies. For the beginner, …

Legendary healer Diane Stein shares her extensive knowledge of gemstones in this concise agate-to-zircon reference. Each listing includes the stone's common name, its corresponding color and chakra, and a concise resume of its healing properties. Stein suggests ways to use stones to support physical and psychic …

An alphabetical quick reference to 200 medicinal plants, their special healing attributes, most effective applications, potential side effects, and contraindications.The popularity of commercially available herbal remedies as adjuncts to conventional medicines has made it easier than ever to turn to medicinal herbs. …