Better than any book I can think of, White Noise captures the particular strangeness of life in a time where humankind has finally learned enough to kill itself. Naturally, it's a terribly funny book, and the prose is as beautiful as a sunset through a particulate-filled sky. Nice-guy narrator Jack Gladney teaches …

『アンダーワールド』は1997年に出版されたドン・デリーロの小説。 デリーロの作品では最もセールスを記録した。デリーロの代表作の一つ。 1997年全米図書賞の最終候補となった。 …

Falling Man is a novel by Don DeLillo, published May 15, 2007. An excerpt from the novel appeared in short story form as "Still Life" in the April 9, 2007, issue of The New Yorker magazine.

『リブラ 時の秤』はドン・デリーロの小説。1988年出版。 リー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドに焦点を当て、ケネディ大統領暗殺事件を主題としている。 本書はオズワルドの子供時代から始まり、 アメリカ海兵隊時代のソ連への短期亡命、ロシア人女性との結婚、アメリカへの帰還とやがてケネディ暗殺事件で演じる彼の役割までが語られる。 この小説においてはケネディ大統領暗殺は、実際には失敗するように計画が立てられている。 暗殺計画を立てたのは前身のCIAの工作員達で、その狙いは合衆国政府をキューバ戦争に誘導することであった。 …

The Body Artist is a novella written in 2001 by Don DeLillo. It explores the highly abnormal grieving process of a young performance artist, Lauren Hartke, following the suicide of her significantly older husband. The novella is sometimes described as a ghost story due to the appearance of an enigmatic figure that …

"One of the most intelligent, grimly funny voices to comment on life in present-day America" (The New York Times), Don DeLillo presents an extraordinary new novel about words and images, novelists and terrorists, the mass mind and the arch-individualist. At the heart of the book is Bill Gray, a famous reclusive writer …

The first novel by Don DeLillo, author of White Noise (winner of the National Book Award) and The Silence At twenty-eight, David Bell is the American Dream come true. He has fought his way to the top, surviving office purges and scandals to become a top television executive. David's world is made up of the images that …

The Names is the seventh novel of American novelist Don DeLillo. The work, set mostly in Greece, is primarily a series of character studies, interwoven with a plot about a mysterious "language cult" that is behind a number of unexplained murders. Among the many themes explored throughout the work is the intersection …