The Afterlife is an American memoir written by Donald Antrim. The book became a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle award in 2007. The memoir's primary theme is Antrim's torturous relationship with his alcoholic, manipulative, and mentally ill mother, Louanne Antrim. Relationships with other members of the …

Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World is a 1993 novel by American author Donald Antrim. It is Antrim's first published novel. The novel depicts the grisly, and occasionally surreal misadventures of a downsized schoolteacher, Pete Robinsion, in a vaguely post-apocalyptic America.

The Hundred Brothers is a 1997 novel by American author Donald Antrim. The substance of the novel consists of the nocturnal reunion of one hundred brothers in the library of their ancestral home, as they attempt to locate and inter the ashes of their deceased father, an insane monarch, drink heavily, and manifest a …

The Verificationist is a 2000 novel by American author Donald Antrim. The novel follows the conversations, fantasies, and the emotionally dissociated states of a group of psychoanalysts gathered during a nocturnal pancake supper. The narrator’s predilection for starting food fights and instigating mayhem leads …

The Dead Father is a post-modernist novel by author Donald Barthelme published in 1975 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. The book relates the journey of a vaguely defined entity that symbolizes fatherhood, hauled by a small group of people as the plot unravels through narratives, anecdotes, dialogues, reflexions and …