Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About is a book by Donald E. Knuth, published by CSLI Publications of Stanford, California. The book contains the annotated transcripts of six public lectures given by Donald E. Knuth at MIT on the subject of relations between religion and science. Knuth gives credence to the …

Literate programming is an approach to programming introduced by Donald Knuth in which a program is given as an explanation of the program logic in a natural language, such as English, interspersed with snippets of macros and traditional source code, from which a compilable source code can be generated. The literate …

The Art of Computer Programming adalah buku yang ditulis oleh Donald Knuth mengenai berbagai algoritma dan analisis pemrograman komputer. Knuth mulai menulis buku ini pada 1962. Tiga volume pertama diterbitkan pada 1968, 1969, dan 1973. Volume 4 rencananya akan diterbitkan pada awal 2007. Knuth dianggap sebagai pakar …