There is little violent crime in Venice, a serenely beautiful floating city of mystery and magic, history and decay. But the evil that does occasionally rear its head is the jurisdiction of Guido Brunetti, the suave, urbane vice-commissario of police and a genius at detection. Now all of his admirable abilities must …

Död i främmande land är en roman av Donna Leon från 1999 och den andra boken i serien om kommissarie Guido Brunetti. Romanen vann Palle Rosenkrantz-priset 1999.

An American living near Venice, Donna Leon has crafted an imaginative series of mysteries set in the waterborne city, all starring police detective Guido Brunetti. In this, the fifth installment, Brunetti sets out to investigate an assault on an American archeologist who herself is investigating a museum exhibition of …

Donna Leon has topped European bestseller lists for more than a decade with a series of mysteries featuring clever Commissario Guido Brunetti. Always ready to bend the rules to uncover the threads of a crime, Brunetti manages to maintain his integrity while maneuvering through a city rife with politics, corruption, …

Donna Leon’s Commissario Guido Brunetti series grows more popular in America with the publication of every new novel. In this installment, Brunetti’s hopes of a refreshing family holiday in the mountains are once again dashed when a gruesome discovery is made in Marghera—a body so badly beaten the face is completely …

Set in Venice, and featuring the charismatic Commissario Guido Brunetti, this is the fourth novel in Donna Leon's critically acclaimed series.

The winner of the Crime Writers Association Macallan Silver Dagger?available for the first time in the United States Donna Leon?s sophisticated Commissario Brunetti series has won her legions of fans over the years. In Friends in High Places, Brunetti is visited by a young bureaucrat investigating the lack of official …

Den hederlige politikerns svarta sida. // Kommissarie Brunetti har inga illusioner kvar om italiensk militär så när en ung kadett på Venedigs militära elitskola hittas hängd, förmodat självmord, fylls han av sorg och medlidande till de anhöriga, men också av irritation och frustration över militärens sedvanliga …