Az arany jegyzetfüzet Doris Lessing regénye. Az angol eredeti 1962-ben jelent meg, magyarul pedig Tábori Zoltán fordításában jelent meg 2008-ban. A Time magazin 2005-ben a regényt beválogatta a legjobb száz angol nyelvű regény közé. A válogatást a Time kritikusai, Lev Grossman és Richard Lacayo végezték, és az 1923 és …
The married couple in this novel pull off a remarkable achievement: They purchase a three-story house with oodles of bedrooms, and, on a middle-class income, in the '70s, fill it to the brim with happy children and visiting relatives. Their holiday gatherings are sumptuous celebrations of life and togetherness. And …
At eighteen, Ben is in the world, but not of it. He is too large, too awkward, too inhumanly made. Now estranged from his family, he must find his own path in life. From London and the south of France to Brazil and the mountains of the Andes. Ben is tossed about in a tumultuous search for his people, a reason for his …
Briefing for a Descent into Hell is a novel written by Briefing for a Descent into Hell.
The Sirian Experiments is a 1980 science fiction novel by Nobel Prize in Literature-winner Doris Lessing. It is the third book in her five-book Canopus in Argos series and continues the story of Earth's evolution, which has been manipulated from the beginning by advanced extraterrestrial civilisations. It was first …