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더글러스 애덤스

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So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish is the fourth book of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy written by Douglas Adams. Its title is the message left by the dolphins when they departed Planet Earth just before it was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass, as described in The Hitchhiker's Guide to …

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Mostly Harmless is a novel by Douglas Adams and the fifth book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. It is described on the cover of the first editions as "The fifth book in the increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhikers Trilogy". It was the last Hitchhiker's book written by Adams.

... Unknown

Why is it a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes? How the planet Krikkit, hostile to anything that is not Krikkit, comes to be encased in a Slo-time envelope... Why Arthur Dent has such an urgent wish to return the Ashes to Lord's Cricket Ground, and why a can of Greek olive oil …