Microserfs, published by HarperCollins in 1995, is an epistolary novel by Douglas Coupland. It first appeared in short story form as the cover article for the January 1994 issue of Wired magazine and was subsequently expanded to full novel length. Set in the early 1990s, it captures the state of the technology …

Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, published by St. Martin's Press in 1991, is the first novel by Douglas Coupland. The novel popularized the term Generation X, which refers to Americans who reached adulthood in the late 1980s. It is a framed narrative, in which a group of youths exchange heartfelt …

JPod är en roman av Douglas Coupland. Den gavs ut 2006. Precis som i en av hans tidigare romaner - Microslavar - handlar boken om en grupp dataprogrammerare. Denna gång bor de i Vancouver i Kanada.

Girlfriend in a Coma är en roman skriven Douglas Coupland 1998, vars titel ursprungligen var namnet på en låt från 1987 av bandet the Smiths. Romanen berättar om en grupp ungdomar som växer upp i Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada i slutet på 1970-talet. Under en särskilt tumultartad festkväll så hamnar en av …

The most disastrous family reunion in the history of fiction.The Drummond family, reunited for the first time in years, has gathered near Cape Canaveral to watch the launch into space of their beloved daughter and sister, Sarah. Against the Technicolor unreality of Florida's finest tourist attractions, the Drummonds …

Hej Nostradamus, utgiven på svenska samma år, är en roman skriven av Douglas Coupland som handlar om olika människors upplevelser och reaktioner kring en fiktiv dödsskjutning på en skola i British Columbia, Kanada. Den är skriven i första person i fyra olika personers liv.

We are the first generation raised without God. We are creatures with strong religious impulses, yet they have nowhere to flow in this world of malls and TV, Kraft dinners and jets. How do we cope with loneliness? Anxiety? The collapse of relationships? How do we reach the quiet, safe layer of our lives? In this …

Shampoo Planet is Douglas Coupland's second novel, published by Pocket Books in 1992. It is a thematic followup to Coupland's first novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. The novel deals with Tyler, a Global Teen, who shares many characteristics of the character Tyler from Generation X, the younger …

"Heartwarming…Coupland has a canny take on everything, and his one-liners zing."--PeopleEleanor Rigby is the story of Liz, a self-described drab, overweight, crabby, and friendless middle-aged woman, and her unlikely reunion with the charming and strange son she gave up for adoption. His arrival changes everything, …

Miss Wyoming is a novel by Douglas Coupland. It was first published by Random House of Canada in January 2000. The novel follows two protagonists, Susan Colgate, a former Miss Wyoming, and John Johnson, a former action film producer. Both have experienced early success but now find themselves in terminal career …