image of 侯世达


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《哥德爾、埃舍爾、巴赫:集異璧之大成》,是一本贏得普立茲獎的書。它是侯世達的著作,由Basic Books出版社在1979年出版的。這本書的二十周年版本在1999年發行,而且由侯世達加上新的前言。《集異璧之大成》是商務印書館在1996年出版的根據1995年英文版翻譯的中文版。本書的英文副標題意譯為「一條永恆的金帶」,其首字母與哥德爾、埃舍爾、巴赫三人的英文名字首字母GEB相同,而商務印書館中文譯本的副標題中的「集異璧」則與GEB諧音。 本書一共有兩篇,上篇譯為「集異壁 GEB」,下篇譯為「異集壁 EGB」。 …

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Metamagical Themas is an eclectic collection of articles that Douglas Hofstadter wrote for the popular science magazine Scientific American during the early 1980s. The anthology was published in 1985 by Basic Books. The volume is substantial in size and contains extensive notes concerning responses to the articles and …

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I Am a Strange Loop is a 2007 book by Douglas Hofstadter, examining in depth the concept of a strange loop to explain the sense of "I". The concept of a strange loop was originally developed in his 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach. Hofstadter had previously expressed disappointment with how Gödel, Escher, Bach, which won …

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Le Ton beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language, published by Basic Books in 1997, is a book by Douglas Hofstadter in which he explores the meaning, strengths, failings, and beauty of translation. The book is a long and detailed examination of one short translation of a minor French poem, and through that an …

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Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought is a 1995 book by Douglas Hofstadter and other members of the Fluid Analogies Research Group exploring the mechanisms of intelligence through computer modeling. It contends that the notions of analogy and fluidity are …

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