Presents a collection of nine complete stories, including "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish," "Oh Say Can You Say?," "Fox in Socks," along with "Green Eggs and Ham."
Pulitzer Prize–winning Dr. Seuss’s classic Beginner Book is now part of a book and audio CD package, with word-for-word storytelling by Jason Alexander. Sam-I-Am is persistent in his hope of convincing the nameless skeptic that green eggs and ham are a delicacy to be savored everywhere and in every way. He tries all …
This charming book introduces young children to words that rhyme, such as Hop and Pop, Cup and Pup, Mouse and House, Tall and Small. And once they have learned to recognize one word, children soon find to their delight they can read another simply by changing the first letter.This title forms one of an exciting range …