At the Earth's Core è un romanzo di fantascienza scritto nel 1914 da Edgar Rice Burroughs, il primo della serie di romanzi relativi alla terra di Pellucidar. Questo romanzo è stato inizialmente pubblicato in una serie di quattro episodi su All-Story Weekly dal 4 al 25 aprile 1914. È stato poi pubblicato per la prima …

Swords of Mars is a science fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the eighth of his Barsoom series. It was first published in the magazine Blue Book as a six-part serial in the issues for November 1934 to April 1935. The first book edition was published by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. in February 1936.

Sotto le lune di Marte - Gli dèi di Marte - Il signore della guerra di MarteL'inizio della saga immortale3 libri in 1Misteriosamente trasportato su Marte, l’avventuriero ed ex soldato John Carter si trova proiettato in un mondo sull’orlo del collasso, dove schiere di tribù semibarbariche si combattono senza sosta. …

A Fighting Man of Mars is an Edgar Rice Burroughs science fantasy novel, the seventh of his famous Barsoom series. Burroughs began writing it on February 28, 1929, and the finished story was first published in Blue Book Magazine as a six-part serial in the issues for April to September, 1930. It was later published as …

The Land That Time Forgot is a fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Caspak trilogy. His working title for the story was "The Lost U-Boat." The sequence was first published in Blue Book Magazine as a three-part serial in the issues for September, October and November 1918. The …

Il figlio di Tarzan è un romanzo di Edgar Rice Burroughs pubblicato per la prima volta a puntate dal 4 dicembre 1915 all'8 gennaio 1916 e nel 1917 in volume. È il quarto episodio della serie dedicata a Tarzan, l'Uomo-scimmia, iniziata con Tarzan delle scimmie, Il ritorno di Tarzan e Le belve di Tarzan.

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the fifth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It first appeared in the November and December issues of All-Story Cavalier Weekly in 1916, and the first book publication was by McClurg in 1918. The novel was written while …

Jungle Tales of Tarzan is a collection of twelve loosely connected short stories written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, comprising the sixth book in order of publication in his series about the title character Tarzan. Chronologically the events recounted in it occur within Chapter 11 of the first Tarzan novel, Tarzan of the …