image of Edward Rutherfurd

Edward Rutherfurd

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Dall'era glaciale ai nostri giorni: diecimila anni di episodi privati e avvenimenti storici a Sarum, la regione dell'odierna Salisbury. In un immenso ciclo narrativo, le drammatiche vicende di cinque famiglie che, secolo dopo secolo, intrecciano i loro destini.

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London is a historical novel by Edward Rutherfurd published in 1997, which charts the history of London from 54 B.C.E. to 1997. The novel begins with the birth of the River Thames and moves to 54 B.C.E, detailing the life of Segovax, a curious character with slightly webbed hands and a flash of white hair. Seqovax …

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From the bestselling author of London and Sarum—amagnificent epic about love and battle, family life and political intrigue in Ireland over the course of eleven centuries. The Princes of Ireland brilliantly weaves impeccable historical research and mesmerizing storytelling in capturing the essence of a place and …

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Nel Sud dell'Inghilterra si stende una vasta, ondulata regione coperta di boschi, popolata di daini e cavalli selvaggi: è la Foresta, terra ricca di memorie storiche e di leggende misteriose. Il libro è la sua epopea: generazione dopo generazione, dalla fine dell'anno Mille alla primavera del Duemila, racconta vicende …

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"Impressive."THE WASHINGTON POST BOOK WORLD Spanning 1800 years of Russia's history, people, poltics, and culture, Edward Rurtherford, author of the phenomenally successful SARUM: THE NOVEL OF ENGLAND, tells a grand saga that is as multifaceted as Russia itself. Here is a story of a great civilization made human, …

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New York è un romanzo storico dello scrittore britannico Edward Rutherfurd, pubblicato nel 2009 negli Stati Uniti e nel 2010 in Italia.

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Edward Rutherfurd’s stirring account of Irish history, the Dublin Saga, concludes in this magisterial work of historical fiction. Beginning where the first volume, The Princes of Ireland, left off, The Rebels of Ireland takes us into a world transformed by the English practice of “plantation,” which represented the …

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