Flatland er en science fiction-novelle skrevet af Edwin Abbott Abbott i 1884. Handlingen foregår i en verden med kun to dimensioner, i hvilken beboerne er geometriske figurer såsom linjer og trekanter. Novellen beskriver hvordan beboerne opfatter deres egen verden og hvordan de til deres store overraskelse en dag får …

A century-old classic of British letters that charmed and fascinated generations of readers with its witty satire of Victorian society and its unique insights, by analogy, into the fourth dimension.

Flatland er en science fiction-novelle skrevet af Edwin Abbott Abbott i 1884. Handlingen foregår i en verden med kun to dimensioner, i hvilken beboerne er geometriske figurer såsom linjer og trekanter. Novellen beskriver hvordan beboerne opfatter deres egen verden og hvordan de til deres store overraskelse en dag får …

Flatland, Edwin Abbott Abbott's story of a two-dimensional universe, as told by one of its inhabitants who is introduced to the mysteries of three-dimensional space, has enjoyed an enduring popularity from the time of its publication in 1884. This fully annotated edition enables the modern-day reader to understand and …

Flatland is one of the very few novels about math and philosophy that can appeal to almost any layperson. Published in 1880, this short fantasy takes us to a completely flat world of two physical dimensions where all the inhabitants are geometric shapes, and who think the planar world of length and width that they …