艾勃特著的《平面国(一个多维的传奇故事)》讲述:有一个国家,名叫平面国,在这个国家里,一切都是平面的,国土是平面的,山川河流是平面的,连人也是平面的:贫穷卑微的是等腰三角形,高贵的是圆形,让人害怕的是直线......平面国里的房屋建造、行走规则、辨认方式以及阶级斗争也都自成一体、妙趣横生。 …

A century-old classic of British letters that charmed and fascinated generations of readers with its witty satire of Victorian society and its unique insights, by analogy, into the fourth dimension.

《平面国》是英国教师埃德温·A·艾勃特一本出版于1884年的讽刺中篇小说。艾勃特借由此书中虚构的二维空间平面国国民“正方形”一角来表达对于维多利亚时代阶层制度的尖锐评论。然而,这本中篇小说更长远的贡献是对于维度的审视。在本书众多版本中有一段名科幻作家以撒·艾西莫夫写的序言评道,《平面国》是“一个人所能找到对于维度概念的感受方法中最好的”。本书因而仍旧受数学、物理学和计算机科学的学生所喜爱。另外,已有几部电影改编自此书。 …

Flatland, Edwin Abbott Abbott's story of a two-dimensional universe, as told by one of its inhabitants who is introduced to the mysteries of three-dimensional space, has enjoyed an enduring popularity from the time of its publication in 1884. This fully annotated edition enables the modern-day reader to understand and …

Flatland is one of the very few novels about math and philosophy that can appeal to almost any layperson. Published in 1880, this short fantasy takes us to a completely flat world of two physical dimensions where all the inhabitants are geometric shapes, and who think the planar world of length and width that they …