image of Eileen Wilks

Eileen Wilks

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Tempting Danger, by Eileen Wilks, is the first full-length release and first novel in the World of the Lupi series. It premiered on October 5, 2004. Tempting Danger was nominated for the 2004 Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award in the category contemporary paranormal romance.

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Mortal Danger by Eileen Wilks is the 4th novel in the World of the Lupi series. It was released on November 1, 2005. It was nominated for the 2005 Romantic Times Best Werewolf Romance Novel.

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FBI agent Cynna Weaver teams up with sorcerer Cullen Seabourne to help identify elected officials who have accepted demonic pacts. But the passion simmering between them-and their investigation-spiral out of control when an ancient prophecy is fulfilled.

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Night Season by Eileen Wilks will be the 7th book in the World of the Lupi series. It is due to be released in March 2008.

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