?Si hi ha algú que tingui un destí, vol dir que és un home. Si hi ha algú que rebi un destí, vol dir que és una dona?.Elfriede Jelinek, Les amantsBrigitte i Paula es queden embarassades. Es casen. ¿Ho fan per ambició o per amor? ¿Quins valors guien aquests personatges? ¿Estimen realment les seves parelles? Les amants, …

Wonderful, Wonderful Times is a novel by Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek, published in 1980 by Rowohlt Verlag. It is Jelinek's fifth book. An English version, translated by Michael Hulse, was released in 1990 by Serpent's Tail. A film adaptation of the novel was released in 1982.

Lust is a novel by Austrian author Elfriede Jelinek. Originally published in German in 1989, it was translated into English in 1992 by Michael Hulse.

Greed is a 2000 novel by the Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek. It was the first novel of hers to be translated into English after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, and also the first book of hers to be translated into English in seven years. While much of her work is rooted in the Austrian literary tradition, …